Life Time Extensions & Preventive Maintenance
GEANTI engineers will cost effectively extend the Life Time of an asset. The process will be customised for your asset’s needs and optimised so that the CAPEX invested together with the future OPEX will result in overall savings.
Geanti combine the latest surveying techniques, a unique defect monitoring and control system, state of the art computer modelling, and an innovative Risk Based Approach to perform condition assessments and life time extensions of complete assets or individual structures.
Geanti will achieve the Life Extension required by working through these processes and conclude with the definition of the shipyard’s scope for replacements and modifications, thus establishing full conversion specifications suitable for planning, cost control and yard tendering.
Geanti’s pragmatic approach is based on the recommendations of the HSE’s KP4 Programme and ISO 19902 and Classification Rules that we optimise specifically to our clients’ specific requirements, flag and geographical location, whilst ensuring that safety is maintained and costs are minimised.
- Asset history and baseline review
- LTE analyses & appraisal: Fatigue/Strength
- Condition surveys: focus on hot spot regions
- Remaining life time calculation
- Develop SIMS/RBI policies
- Modifications: detail design
- Class approval of LTE design: SIMS/RBI